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Are We Doing the Right Things? Charlie Munger has a piece of advice

 Are we doing the right things or just doing things right ...

This Quote by Charlie Munger is aligned in the same direction and can serve as a cue to regularly check, review and get back to "doing the right things" in our life needs and situations. 

These are wise words of an achiever and philanthropist - Charlie Munger, co-architect of the Berkshire Hathaway investment empire, whose life spanned almost a century (99 years). A voracious reader like his partner Warren Buffett, Munger drew his principles of life from various disciplines - science, maths and psychology, to know about the nature of people, their behaviour and the nature of business. 

His innate and acquired insights guided his judgement and actions. He worked hard to find out the right things and do them right - to evaluate potential investments in life and business and succeed in both.

The harder we work on "false" things the more we waste our valuable resources - time, health, money and relationships; and the more we regret it later in life. Switching to the right goals and methods in our personal life and career may be demanding but is worth it, and will in good time lead to right confidence and success.

Of Bays, Books and Flowers - Quote by Andrew Lang & A Healthy You, Quote

Nature and Health have an inseparable relationship. When we get to know, appreciate and enjoy Nature and the gifts of nature, we observe the life processes and harmony of our ecology. Our relationship with natural surroundings both - give us insights about our health aspects and provides innumerable bounties to nourish and Exercise our mind and body.

We discuss quotes on Nature and Health and related topics, as given below

A Quote by Andrew Lang, full of imagery of 'living by Nature'.

A Quote by Joyce Meyer about Selfcare - A Healthy You

A Quote by Andrew Lang, full of imagery of 'living by Nature'. 

The pictures of the post convey the.thread of thoughts of the author - a  stepping aside to a life of slow pace and calm, from the stressors of a world of material possessions and activities.

The writer captures our imagination and takes us along, to live in a house by the
beach of a bay, with the "surly" waves and seaweed. 

He is willing to make the trade-off "leave all the hurry ..." "for a house full  of books and a garden of flowers"

A Quote by Joyce Meyer about Selfcare  - a Healthy You

“I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”  -  Joyce Meyer 

We can lead a better life and the world  will be a better place if we can get hold of a healthy lifestyle

For most of us, this calls for remodeling ourselves mainly by focusing on Nutrition and Exercise with a conscious effort  to build a healthy body and healthy mind. 
The "bounties of nature" -  air, water, land, plants, animals are our resources for a healthy lifestyle.

Work- Life balance, nurturing healthy relationships and managing stressful life issues by orienting for selfcare and selfprotection - all contribute to making  "A Healthy You"

Pinterest Board - Exercise- Muscle Focus, Why?

The Pinterest board shows pins with Curated articles that are related to the topic - why we should exercise with focus on Muscles. A section for Detailed diagrams with Label is included.

Strengthening our muscles on the basis of a scientific understanding of the muscular system and related training aspects is key to keeping healthy. Also, we know that good diagrams have an important role  in healthcare.

Nutrition and Exercise Keep us Moving

There is no 'magic pill' for health as we all know, but there is a "winning way"  - Nutrition and Exercise Keep us Moving. And Mobility is a measure of health!

First we have to nourish our body Cells with the "Right Nutrients" in.the "Right Way (Balanced Daily Values),"  then when we exercise appropriately our Body Structure is Strengthened  -  replacing and renewing, checking the wasting of body parts due to

wear and tear. "A Strong Body Keeps Sickness Away "and is "always on the Move"  

Nature Self-Renews and Inspires us

Nature is all-encompassing and in constant motion. The amazing variety of nature - the Earth, Sky, the Sun, Moon,  plants, animals and the whole Universe - Cosmos is full of Energy, Movement and Change. 
Natural systems are dynamic - always interacting, causing changes in matter and energy, and in the process repairing, renewing and evolving; while recapturing  its structure, beauty and function. Nature inspires us to do the same.

Focus on Nutrition and Exercise - to Self-Renew our body

Cells are the basic building blocks of our body structure. Nutrients from food provide the material and energy for the  generation and repair of the cells of the body.

Exercise helps to transport the nutrients to all the cells of the body. Exercise strengthens the body structure and enables the body to carry out its  various functions in a healthy way. 

The short video below helps us focus on Nutrition and Exercise, so as  to be always " On the Move."  
Showing here, "Nutrition & Exercise For Mobility"  - the 'winning way' for our health.   

The carefully curated imagery and crisp Info (and music!) give a clear handle for  our health. The way to hold on and remain continually on our Fitness Path, while searching through the current quagmire of information.on food -  health,  work - life, lifestyle inflluencers. 

The video also displays linktree, and links of other sites on Food Health and Lifeneeds topics. They include owned and affiliated content related to this website, 

We invite you to  Engage, Save and Share  relevant  content and Buy useful Resources. Hope the Curated Info and Created Resources which we offer, will better your Health and Lifeneeds.

Tags #healthy #nutrition  #move on  #wobble #foodanddrink #exercise #fitness #simple exercises at home #home workout for women #gymworkouts #loseweight  #nutrients #NourishMov #homeworkout  #fitnessforwomen

After Food, ... We need Stories

Food nourishes our Body, Stories nourish our Mind. Our wellbeing depends on both  - a healthy body and a healthy mind. 

As we know, the root cause of many of our sicknesses is psychosomatic i.e.,  due to anxiety of the mind and negative emotions such as anger, depression, jealousy and hate. 

So we have to eat healthy and at the same time strengthen and uplift our minds with info. and insights gained from reading of good writing sources and stories. These stories  also help us to progress, in our career for main income or sidehustles.

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